The Iqra International Management Journal of Professionalism Development Foundation, was released on the 9th of December 2012 by the Honorable Governor of Odisha, MurlidharChandrakantBhandare at Odisha Bhawan, New Delhi. On the occasion, Prof. M. Altaf Khan felicitated the Chief Guest MurlidharChandrakantBhandare and gave information about the journal. Prof. N.U.K. Sherwani, of the Dept. of Commerce & Business Studies, J.M.I., welcomed the Chief Guest with a bouquet. The Foundation committed for creating greater awareness innovative methods. Among others Shri Dr. Sunil Kumar Bhargava, IAS, Principal Resident Commissioner, Government of Odisha, Shri VipinSaxena, Special Resident Commissioner, officers of Principal Resident Commissioner, Odisha Bhawan, New Delhi & senior faculty of Jamia Millia Islamia University were present during the release function. Dr. M. KamalunNabi,Astt. Professor, Department of Commerce and Business Studies, J.M.I., offered vote of thanks on the occasion.

The Iqra International Management Journal launched website on 1st Dec. 2012.

The first issue of our Journal had the following papers:

  • Dynamics of Business Strategy: A Case Study of City Group
  • Service Quality Analysis of Retail Services: A Study of Retail Outlets in Bhubaneshwar
  • Influence of Occupation and Experience of Retail Investors in Future Trading: An Empirical Investigation
  • Indo-China Trade Relations: Present Trends and Future Prospects
  • Product Packaging and Child-Parent Purchase Behavior: An Elaboration Likelihood Model Approach
  • Remittance Inflow to India: A Study of its Impact on the Indian Economy
  • Organized Vs Unorganized Retailing: A Three Dimensional Study of the Purchase Attributes Preference in Grocery Retailing
  • Corporate Social Responsibility: An Altruistic Alternative for Corporate Brand Building
  • Ethical Dimension of Indian Advertising
  • Management of Non-Performing Assets in Indian Banks: A Qualitative Analysis
  • Buying Behavior of Electronic Goods: A Case Study of Digital Camera
  • Inclusive Marketing in Rural India: A Study of Product Awareness of Rural Consumers
  • Post Merger Performance Analysis of Selected Companies
  • Tourism Branding: A Study of Brand Dimensions of Odisha Tourism
  • Rural Credit: Need of Financial Literacy
  • Implication of CRM in NBFC: A Study on Human Interface System